Friday, May 10, 2013

Daddy's side of the story

And now it's daddy's turn. :)  Starting with the first time I saw Dany, I'll explain my side of the story behind our adoption.  Dany doesn't like to admit this but I remember the first time we saw each other and she doesn't. Win!  I was walking back from the BX and I saw her leaving the dorms.  I was thrown aback thinking "There is no way there is someone this beautiful in my squadron" so I sadly returned to my room expecting to never see her again.  Little did I know that through a common friend, we would be going to comedy night together!  I remember thinking "Awesome, the first time I really talk to her is going to be when she hears me singing an ultra-tacky bar song about boobs." Luckily that was her weak spot!  Even though I had a flight back to America in the morning and had to be at the airport at 5:00 am, she somehow convinced me to stay out in town with her until it was time to leave for the airport.  It was the most miserable exhausting flight of my life, but it was 100% worth every miserable second to have spent an amazing night with my future wife.  After a month of constant texting across the world, I finally came back to her.  The second I saw her face again I knew that this was way more than I could have imagined.  Some people said we moved really fast since we met in July, got married in November, and started trying for our first kid in January, but I say, if you know something is going to be perfect, why postpone it?

That brings me to adoption.  I never really thought about it before Dany brought it up, but from the first time it came up I realized, "How did I not realize that this is perfect for us!?!"  And since I knew it would be perfect, why would we postpone it?  Sure we could wait a few years, waiting for a "better time" to adopt, but we realize that with how involved the process is, and how life-changing it's going to be, there will never be a "best time" to adopt.  We want to do this now, to bring this child(or children) into our home and start our perfect life with them as soon as possible!

Like Dany mentioned before, Rhylin really is perfect and the world could definitely use more of her ;) but with how much love we give her, I know that there are one or two little boys or girls that desperately need that.   I really can't wait for this new addition for our family.  From the second Rhylin was born, I have loved being a father more than anything in the world, and I'm incredibly looking forward to adding to our family as soon as possible.

We chose a homestudy agency, Adoptions Together, and we are just about to submit our application.  This is the first documented step towards adoption, and we are now one step closer to having our even more perfect family!  Wish us luck!


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